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Tag lawn party

Calgary Ho Down

The Lawn Party

Saskatoon Disc Odyssey

The Lawn Party

Ho Down

Scrimmage at Riley 2005

Photos of a Riley Park scrimmage. This was Lawn Party’s “home” field for practices for many years.

The Lawn Party Promo

This is another Lawn Party video. A promotional, if you will.

The Lawn Party History

This is The Lawn Party. An ultimate frisbee team hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Sorrow at Canmore Wapooti 2005

Photos of Sorrow at the Canmore Wapooti frisbee tournament. Lawn Party snuck in as Sorrow, much to the surprise of the Calgary scrubs who had plans to win the tournament without any competition.

Disc Odyssey in Saskatoon 2005

Photos from The Saskatoon Disc Odyssey frisbeen tournament.

Ho Down

This is a video of highlights from the 2005 Calgary Ho Down Ultimate Tournament, starring The Lawn Party.

Kelowna Sunflicker 2005

Photos of The Lawn Party at the Sunflicker frisbee tournament in Kelowna.

Lawn Party Practice

The Lawn Party practicing at Riley Park.

Disc Odyssey 7 – Outtakes

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 6 – Erics (Finals)

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 5 – Edmonton (Semis)

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 4 – Chaos

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 3 – Edmonton

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 2 – Prairie Snatch

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Disc Odyssey 1 – Opening Credits

The Lawn Party goes to Saskatoon to win Disc Odyssey.

Regina Boh Down 2002

Photos from the Regina Boh Down frisbee tournament.

Frisbee 2002

Photos of frisbee in 2002.

Slides 2002

Slides from 2002.

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