Tag luca

Cal Ripken Selects A in Spokane

Photos of Cal Ripken Alberta Selects A at a tournament in Spokane, Washington. Flickr link.

Blues Hockey II

Photos of U13 Rec Calgary Blues. Photos taken by Maria Shpak.

Blues Hockey I

Photos of U13 Rec Calgary Blues. Photos taken by Maria Shpak.

Heart Of The City

Video of Cash, snowboarding, and hockey.

Tinseltown On The High Line

Video of puppies, shootouts, and snowy days.

Your Party

Video of hockey, ham parties, and puppies.

Computer Liebe

Video of tig, bike rides, and Cal Ripken baseball.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in Medicine Hat

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Medicine Hat. Flickr link.

Eminence Front

Video of baseball, road trips, and stampede fireworks.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary… Again

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary. Flickr link.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Calgary. Flickr link.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in Regina

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Regina, Saskatchewan. Flickr link.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in LA… Again

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Lethbridge, Alberta. Yes… again. Flickr link.

You Can Do Magic

Video of baseball, bikes, and bbq.

RMLL Majors Summer AA All-Stars in LA

Photos of the RMLL Summer AA All-Stars in Lethbridge, Alberta. Flickr link.

Music For Chameleons

Video of birthdays, baseball, and bass playing.

Do It Again

Video of baseball, frisbee, and Halloween.

Songs Of Yesterday

Video of baseball, bikes, and BBQ’s.

RMLL Majors Fall AA All-Stars v Medicine Hat

Photos of a double header between RMLL Fall AA vs Medicine Hat in Medicine Hat.

RMLL Majors Fall AA All-Stars v Norcrest

Photos of a double header between RMLL Fall AA vs Norcrest in Lethbridge.

RMLL Majors Fall AA All-Stars v Cal West

Photos of a double header between RMLL Fall AA vs Cal West.

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