Tag shinny

Broken English

Video of frozen ponds, basketball, shinny, and snowboarding.

Only You

Video of winning the playoffs, ice busting, and walks.

Tinseltown On The High Line

Video of puppies, shootouts, and snowy days.

Your Party

Video of hockey, ham parties, and puppies.

Wish I Could Fly

Video of stuff from November and December.

Cool For Cats

Video of wintery stuff. A ukulele makes an appearance.

Stanley Park Shooting Practice

Photos of shooting practice at Stanley Park.

Stanley Park Shinny

Photos of shinny at Stanley Park.

Winding Me Up

Video of shinny, home projects, and a bunch of other stuff.

ICA Shinny

Photos of Ramone at the ICA outdoor ice rink.

Waiting On A Friend

Video of wintery things and various parks.

Old Roads Of Home

Video of diving, swimming, hockey, shinny, roller skating, and tobogganing.

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