Tag tig

Looking For The Summer

Video of birthdays, baseball, frisbee, and other summery things.


Video of snowy biking, coyotes, school plays, and Hooligans FC.


Video of birthday parties, baseball, and soggy dogs.

Wild West End

Video of spring stuff.

Only You

Video of winning the playoffs, ice busting, and walks.

Computer Liebe

Video of tig, bike rides, and Cal Ripken baseball.

Music For Chameleons

Video of birthdays, baseball, and bass playing.


Video of stuff from March. Some ice hockey and unseasonably warm bike rides.

Wish I Could Fly

Video of stuff from November and December.

Der Kommissar

Video of potato farming, baseball tournaments and wipeouts.

I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler

Video of baseball, cats, bikes, and dirt.

Drugs In My Pocket

Video of bass guitar, ukulele, ice rink smashing, tig, new bikes, and baseball.

All My Friends

Video of springy activities, plus Tig.

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